17 martie 2011
6th Annual IBA Bar Leaders Conference - Warsaw, Poland, 25 - 26 May 2011
Dear Colleague,
I am delighted to provide you with full programme and registration details for the upcoming 6th Annual IBA Bar Leaders Conference, taking place at the Hilton Warsaw Hotel & Convention Centre, Warsaw, Poland, 25 - 26 May 2011.
Bar presidents, senior officers, bar executives and law firm and individual practitioners should attend this informative programme presenting new developments and often thorny issues affecting the profession of law. Sessions will feature expert panels and encourage the interaction of delegates in discussing topics including:
Tour of the Supreme Court
Wednesday 25 May 1000 - 1200
The Polish bar association will organise a tour of the Supreme Court to provide some insight into its operations and history. To book a place on the tour please reserve your tickets on the conference registration form.
In addition to the substantive sessions of the programme, attendees will have time to relax and discuss the events of the past days at the Conference Dinner, being held on evening of Thursday 26 May at the beautiful Cafe Zamek. Situated in in the heart of the Old Town in the Royal Castle, it has a strong association with the history of Poland and is steeped in atmosphere.
Anti-Money Laundering Legislation applies to Lawyers - a workshop for Bar Associations
Date: Tuesday 24 May 2011 Time: 0900 - 1630 (Registration from 0830)
Room: Hilton Light Room
The IBA's Anti-Money Laundering Legislation Implementation Working Group (AMLLIWG) and Professional Ethics Committee will hold an intensive workshop targeted at bar associations to both raise awareness of how anti-money laundering legislation around the world is intended to apply to lawyers and how bar associations can help their members through their own awareness and education programmes.
Attendance at the workshop is included in the cost of conference registration fee; however places at the workshop are limited and will be on a first come first serve basis. To book your place, please tick the relevant box on the registration form.
IBA Mid Year Meetings
The IBA mid-year meetings are taking place from 27 - 28 May at the Hilton Warsaw Hotel and Convention Centre, Warsaw. Listed representatives of the IBA member organisations will be invited to attend parts of the meeting details of which can be found on page 5 of the programme.
How to register for the conference: Please complete the attached registration form and return it to Robyn Wheatley, via the details on the form, at the IBA together with your payment. You should receive written confirmation of your registration within 7 days; if you do not then please contact Robyn Wheatley at robyn.wheatley@int-bar.org Should you have any queries, please contact Robyn via email, or via 'phone on 44 207 691 6868
I very much look forward to seeing you in Warsaw in May.
Kind Regards, Conference Chair
James M Klotz: Miller Thomson LLP, Toronto, Canada; Chair, Bar
Issues Commission; Member, BIC Policy Committee; IBA Council Member, Canadian Bar Association
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