24 iunie 2016
Taxes threaten the right to defense in Greece. Lawyers went on strike
Dolj Bar Association through its Dean, lawyer Lucian Sauleanu, joins with Greek lawyers who decided to initiate protests against the unjustified increase in taxes which threatens the right to defense.
Greek lawyers went on strike in order to protest against the Greek government plan for the reformation of the pension system. Athens24 announces that the bar deans’ plenary will decide in Athens with regard to the continuation of the protests.
All bars and legal firms will be shut and a protest rally is planned to take place in front of the Athens Bar, followed by a march to the Syntagma Square in Athens, the place where the Greek Parliament is located.
The Deans plenary will also send a petition to the government and the political parties’ leaders in which they will present their objections to the proposed reforms.
Taxes supported by the Greek lawyers are estimated as follows:
- 29% minimum of net income, income tax
- 23%, VAT
- 20% of the net income, Pension
- 7,5% of the net income, additional pension
- 6,95% of the net income, Health insurance
- 2%-4% of the net income, solidarity tax
- 600 Euro, liberal professions
- 120 Euro, unemployment (OAED)
Income tax has to be „pre-paid” 100% for the year 2016. If a lawyer has to pay an income tax of 5000 euros for 2015, he has to pay in fact 10.000 euros which comprises the amount estimated for 2016 (which has to be paid in advance and will be adjusted adequately).