29 ianuarie 2017
Wednesday, the 16th November 2016, in Aula Magna - Faculty of Law, the Conference ”Domestic and International Arbitration” took place. It was organized by the Court of Arbitration Dolj, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dolj, in collaboration with Faculty of Law – University of Craiova and with the Dolj Bar.
The first message of the conference came from Mr. Lucian Bernd Săuleanu, Professor, PhD, President of the Court of Arbitration Dolj and Dean of the Dolj Bar, who began by thanking all participants and guests, and continued by emphasizing the importance of arbitration and the need to revitalize this institution.
Next, Mr. Gabriel Vlăduț, Eng., PhD, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dolj, welcomed the initiative of the Court of Arbitration to organize the conference and pointed out that an improvement of arbitral proceedings is attempted, so that arbitration could win more confidence and that more and more parties choose this procedure in resolving the disputes that may arise between them.
The special guest of this event, Mr. Michael Martinek, PhD, Professor at the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken, Germany, has painted a very clear picture of the arbitration institution’s meaning and roles, concluding that ”the arbitration is faster and more efficient” and that a restoration of this institution’s image should be the result of a tight collaboration of both those who apply the law and those who enforce it.