The contributions to the Bar and UNBR budget owed by the lawyers according to article 222 paragraph (1) of the Statute of the Lawyer’s Profession, shall be paid until the 25th of the current month for the previous month.

The monthly contributions are:

trainee lawyers

  • contribution to the Bar budget – the equivalent in lei of 10 euros (calculated at the exchange rate of the first day of the months for which the payment is made)
  • the contribution to the UNBR budget – 8 lei


  • contribution to the Bar budget – the equivalent in lei of 20 euros (calculated at the exchange rate of the first day of the months for which the payment is made)
  • the contribution to the UNBR budget – 12 lei

The contribution of each lawyer to the solidarity fund, administrated by the Permanent Commission of the UNBR Council is of 5 lei.

Starting with 15 December 2011, the Dolj Bar Association collects the following taxes:


Registration on the Lawyers’ Table with the Right to Exercise the Profession (TADDEP) of the lawyers who joined the profession without exam 6000 lei
Registration in TADDEP of the lawyers who joined the profession on the basis of an exam 1500 lei
Registration on the Trainee Lawyers’ Table with the Right to Exercise the Profession (TASDEP) 500 lei
Registration to the exam for joining the profession according to the exam regulation
Registration to the exam for the acquiring the professional title of senior lawyer according to the exam regulation
Re-registration on TADDEP or TASDEP of the lawyer who was suspended for not paying the professional contributions 50 lei
Re-registration on TADDEP or TASDEP of the lawyer suspended for incompatibility 1500 lei
Re-registration in TADDEP or TASDEP of the lawyer suspended upon request (excepting the lawyers who have suspended the exercise of the profession in order to benefit from aid for raising and caring for a child of 2 or 3 years old) 1500 lei
Transfer of a lawyer from another Bar to the Dolj Bar 100 lei - taxa valabila pana la 01.06.2016
Setting up a secondary office in the circumscription of the Dolj Bar 1500 lei
Setting up working office in the circumscription a of the Dolj Bar 500 lei
Registration on the Special Table of a foreign lawyer 3000 lei
Granting the title of lawyer without sustaining the exam, in cases provided by article 20 paragraph (5)-(7) of the Law 51/1995, republished 3000 lei

Administrative and professional jurisdiction activities:

  • transfer of a lawyer from the Dolj Bar to another Bar (300 lei)
  • interview for the verification of the knowledge concerning the organisation of the profession sustained on the occasion of answering the requests to join the profession without exam (300 lei)
  • registration of the documents concerning the forms of practice (100 lei)
  • answering the requests for registration on the Suspended Lawyers Table (100 lei)
  • modification of the documents concerning the forms of practice (50 lei)
  • answering the requests for the approval to continue to exercise the profession (50 lei)
  • tax for ruling on the disciplinary complaints formulated by the parties of a judiciary procedure against the lawyers within the Dolj Bar (200 lei)
  • tax for ruling on the requests to return the fees paid to the lawyers within the Dolj Bar (the tax covers also the eventual contestation which can be formulated against the measure decided by the Dean of the Bar): 100 lei
  • annual tax for the lawyers suspended from the exercise of the lawyer profession (excepting the lawyers suspended upon request in order to benefit from the benefits for raising and caring for a child): 100 lei

Information about the quota owed to the Lawyer’s Insurance House will be found here.

 ART. 12
(1) The person who meets the following condition, may be member of a bar in Romania:
a. has the exercise of the civil and political rights;
b. is licensed by a law faculty with a duration equal to the one provided by the law;
c. is not in one of the situations of dishonourable conduct provided by the present law;
d. is qualified, from the medical point of view, for exercising the profession.
(2) Meeting the condition provided in letter d) of the first paragraph has to be proven by a medical certificate, issued on the basis of the observations made by a medical committee established in the conditions provided by the Statute of the Lawyer’s Profession.

ART. 13
(1) The member of a bar from another country may exercise the lawyer profession in Romania, if he meets the conditions provided for by this law.
(2) In order to provide legal advice concerning the Romanian law, the foreign lawyer has the obligation to pass an exam for the verification of the knowledge of the Romanian law and the Romanian language, organised by UNBR.
(3) The foreign lawyer may exercise the lawyer profession in Romania, by choice, within one of the forms of practice provided by article 5.
(4) The foreign lawyer cannot submit oral or written pleadings in front of the Romanian courts and of the other jurisdictional and judiciary organisms, excepting those of international arbitration.
(5) The fees due to the foreign lawyer will be registered and paid integrally in Romania.
(6) The foreign lawyer who exercises the profession in Romania is bound to register on the special table held by each bar and is submitted to the provisions of this law, of the statute of the profession and of the deontological code.

ART. 14
It is considered unworthy to be a lawyer:
a) the person convicted by a final court decision to prison for committing an intentional crime, which can prejudice the prestige of the profession;
b) the person who has committed abuses violating the human rights and fundamental liberties, established by a court decision, or has committed severe disciplinary offences, sanctioned by the measure of exclusion from the profession, as a disciplinary sanction;
c) the person against whom the interdiction to exercise the profession sanction was applied by a court or a disciplinary ruling.